Easy Grade Privacy Policy

Basically, we're not creepy

Data We Collect

We do not collect any personal information from within the Easy Grade app. However, the app does report usage and anonymous device statistics to a server that we own and control. This server runs analytics software from Count.ly and the primary purpose of this server is to know general usage trends (how many users in general use the app, and how often?) and general device trends (how many people run iOS 12/13/14/etc and how many people run the app on iPads/iPhones?). I also use this service to know when a user somewhere in the universe buys the In-App Purchase. It's kind of cool to get a notification when someone supports me.


You can email us from within the app. This is completely optional to you as the user of Easy Grade. When you select this option, it opens an email draft using the native mail client, and uses the email account that you choose. When you do this, we of course have your email address.


The Easy Grade app serves ads via the Google Adsense platform. Google might be creepy and have ways of collecting data on you through these ads. If this bothers you, then I would encourage you to purchase the In-App Purchase to remove the ads. Of course, another option is to stop using the app.

This Website

This website replaced Google Analytics with the far-less-creepy Countly Analytics. I only use this information to see general trends of how many people visit the site. It collects no personal information, and it cannot be tracked across other sites.

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